One thing at a time
One thing at a time

Set certain times of the day for checking your email, and don’t look at it at any other times. Block off time for tasks that take deeper thinking and dedicated attention. If you know you have a meeting that you have to prepare for, choose a time in the day during which you won’t have to interrupt something else. To avoid multitasking, you have to be intentional about your time management and your schedule. Whenever we are pulled away from the task, even for a short time, it takes some time to get back to where we were and get going again.

one thing at a time

We have to gather or reference sources, guidance material, etc. We have to bring to mind the context surrounding the task. We have to recall what we were working on last. When we begin to work on any particular task, it takes us some time to build momentum. It can be very hard to truly focus on one thing for any length of time. We’re just starting to make progress on a task, and we have to take a phone call. We’re working on a long-term project, but we still have to get ready for our next meeting. We want to be responsive, so we have our email open all the time. Technology and modern work culture are geared toward having several things going at the same time. We all experience an enormous temptation to multitask. We may even be cycling through several tasks, causing us to think we’re focusing on all of them at the same time, but the bottom line is we can only focus on one at any given moment. We may be under the illusion that we’re able to work on several things at once, but what is really happening is that we’re focusing on one thing for a very short time then moving on to something else. At any single moment, our brains can only think about one thing.

one thing at a time

It’s important to remember that we are only capable of doing one thing at a time. It’s also hard to stay focused-to keep our minds on what we are doing without getting distracted or letting our minds wander. It’s easy to say, but there is so much we have to keep track of.

One thing at a time